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Jack's background as a journalist has given him a "muckraker's" tenacity when it comes to seeking the truth in all things. In addition to Killing Kennedy: Exposing the Plot, the Cover-Up, and the Consequences (2022), he is also the author of Ghost Soldiers of Gettysburg (2014), in which he presents first-hand accounts of ghostly phenomena on the Civil War battlefield and also provides theories as to the "why" and "how" of ghostly encounters. In Unknown Down  (2016), Jack shares Army veteran Bill Schroeder's incredible account of events that took place in South Florida on the night of March 31, 1967  involving several unidentified flying objects, U.S. and Cuban military personnel, and hundreds of civilian witnesses. 


Jack is co-founder of j3FILMS, a production company that creates engaging, entertaining and educational documentaries that challenge conventional wisdom. With deep ties to communities surrounding the unexplained, j3FILMS has access to researchers, investigative journalists, subject matter experts and eyewitnesses, enabling the filmmakers to present rich and layered stories to audiences. Jack has produced and written the award-winning documentary films  Extraordinary: The Stan Romanek Story (2013),  Extraordinary: The Seeding (2019), and Extraordinary: The Revelations  (2021). j3FILMS is currently developing new projects that focus on both paranormal phenomena and unexplained mysteries.

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